Tuesday, September 16, 2008

not fair

This is a post to whinge. Please stay with me, it won't take a moment and I need to debrief.

This weekend I have organised for 4 friend families to go to jenolan caves to walk, explore eat, drink and have fun with our combined 8 kids.

It took almost 6 months to coordinate around shift work, other engagements and work commitments.

I have now booked the rooms, given everyone instructions on meals to prepare, what to bring, costs, directions, dietry considerations, etc etc etc

But, more than 3 months ago I sprained my ankle and it is not better. I was under instructions to carry on as normal so I have - but today - 3 days before the trip - I went to my doctor with my MRI results and he stuck a needle in my ankle and then told me I had to take it very easy - definitely no bushwalking and no cave stairs for one week. No caves!

But, there will be lots and lots of knitting - as compensation, and champagne, and red wine, and really good food. I might even teach my sister to knit cause she won't be doing the caves either - which is a whole other story. So I get to hang out with my sister and knit - it is not so bad. But I really really wanted to go on walks and in caves with the pirate and now I won't be there when he sees his first cave or finds his pirate treasure.

but again there is the knitting... of the
luminaire socks

and a funky felted bag for my laptop
from Not Your Mama's knitting

and maybe even this if the cowgirl yarn turns up in time

and if I am very very lucky I can drive up there in this....well not quite this, but I bought one almost the same, only older, diesel and red and will take posession either Friday or Monday. eeek.


Michelle said...

Oh , you poor thing! I know how painful a sprained ankle is, and how long it takes to recover. Just think of all the stories the Pirate is going to tell you when he gets back from his adventures!

Have a great time away!

Bells said...

yeah I'd say that's worth a whinge or two.

Bec said...

Definitely whinge-worthy. On the plus side it sounds like you're going to have quite a bit of knitting time - enjoy it as much as you can.

We're a camping family and I'd love to do those caves one day. We went to the caves at Wellington in January and the kids loved it.

Anonymous said...

That is such a shame - but wait. I'm a guide at Jenolan who keeps an eye out for blogs that mention the caves. Good news is there is complimentary wine and cheese on at Caves House Saturday evening at 5:30pm. Then there is a special dinner to commemorate the visit of Lord Carrington back in 1887 so everyone is asked to dress up in costume - if you want of course. There is also entertainment being included through dinner. Maybe the group weren't told but they also have a very special tour on that weekend visiting one of the caves seldom shown. You can call them in the guides office to check about it on 6359 3923. I hope you have a wonderful time - I'll keep an eye out for someone who looks like an avid knitter and say hi. If you want to check my website go to www.jenolan.com.

Claire (ethel loves fred) said...

Sounds like plan B might be ok, knitting with your Sis! Take it easy on the ankle!