Monday, September 28, 2009


We are more than a little sad at our little house at the moment. The first mate and his lovely family moved north today. They have been staying with us for the past few days - it has been wonderful chaos. We left this morning to a house full of energy and noise and came home to stillness and utter quiet.

My pirate is miserable and lost. It is going to be a difficult week with lots of cuddles.

I may even slip in a few kisses.


twitchy fingers said...

My heart aches for both of you. I had a few tears for you L, and a couple more for N.

Michelle said...

How heart breaking. I hope the Pirate and First Mate can write lots of letters and visit often. But in the meantime hugs and kisses from mum are good too.

nettie said...

I agree with Michelle - kisses are good.

Bells said...

oh it's heartbreaking! What a sweet, sweet photo.

Leonie said...

Keeping in touch with art and letters is such a good idea. So sad for them to lose the constant contact but hopefully they can still chat/see each other via the internets.

fen and ned said...

The photo is so sad bless both there hearts, similar happened to me when I was a child, know how lost he's feeling, could you give him an extra hug from me xxx

Olivia said...

That photo is lovely but so sad. Poor kids. It's not fair.