Oh Jonah, he lived in de whale,
Oh Jonah, he lived in de whale,
Fo' he made his home in
Dat fish's abdomen.
Oh Jonah, he lived in de whale.
I can't get that song out of my head after this....

So I looked Jonah and the whale up and, being not at all bible literate, discovered in Wikipedia (which we all know to be accurate at all times) the biblical story of Jonah and the whale is used a metaphor for accepting experience without seeking to change it, Jonah inside the whale being comfortably protected from the problems of the outside world.
Which in itself is an apt take on 2 days and 2 nights at a music and hippy festival in the hills - which is where we found this most magnificent whale by Yackandandah artist Benjamin Gilbert. A festival is a great way to take yourself away from the usual grind of tasks and familiarity and live in the now - to a point, as you may find, like us, you wake up in tent city to find you know at least half a dozen families within 20 metres.
A festival is also a great place to sit on the grass and fit in a little knitting.
and to bring home progressed knitting, happy kids and the dirtiest feet.
Hooray for dirty feet! I alway equate dirty feet with the bestest of times. Glad you had fun at Corinbank. I will get there one of these years!
I learnt about Jonah in Sunday School, and the lesson (to me as an 8 year old) was that the whale was like the naughty corner and it gave Jonah time to think.
Bloody Presbyterians and their guilt-tripping!
Great Whale! Sounds like a fabulous way to spend a day too. Lucky you. :)
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