Monday, October 12, 2009

what a weekend

My lordy I had a busy and productive weekend.

We had the first mate and family here and lots of pirate action. The pirate was in character almost all weekend practicing his Jack Sparrow mannerisms except when we went to the markets when the pirate and first mate were star wars characters in their capes. I wish this dressing up would never end. It is magnificent.

We had the kind of weather that just makes you want to be outside in the garden. I finally built a vegie garden.

I mowed the knee deep back lawn, extended the chicken run, weeded weeded and weeded.

I got to play with my new toy - and yes I was all a quiver!

The clothkit dress for my niece. Cute isn't it?

A couple of little sacks - one for the lovely woman who sold me the machine. The other for ???

And on top of that I knitted, cooked a dinner party for 8 adults and 7 children, did all my washing, collected straw and chook food from the produce store, cleaned eggs, socialised, and, and..... I am way to tired to go to work today!


twitchy fingers said...

Go you! I'm sooo jealous of that little dress - I want one!

Michelle said...

I'm really going to have to pull my finger out and finish that dress! Yours looks fab! Don't you wish they made them in adult size?

Glad you had a happy and busy weekend. Weekends like that are the best. Bet you slept well!

Leonie said...

Isn't work that place you go to to recover from the weekend?? That's what my husband always does!!

nettie said...

Yay for vegie gardens, sewing (very noice!) and spending time with favourite people.

DrK said...

what a weekend! and look at that fantastic vegie garden. so impressed by your creative productivity!

Jodie said...

if did all that - I would be too tired to go to work for a week!

I love that clothkits dress !